Profile on Researchgate
Talks and Presentations
Next Presentations:
2. Fachtagung Bipolar:
3.10.2015, Wien, 11:10: Sind Bipolare Erkrankungen entzündliche Erkrankungen des ZNS?
Previous Presentations:
- 15. Jahrestagung der ÖGPP, Gmunden
Freitag, 24.4.2015, 16:30 Uhr: Bipolar-Symposium “Neurokognition bei Bipolare affektiver Erkrankung” - Schloßparklinik Berlin,Montag, 23. März 2015 von 13:30 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr„Neurokognitive Grundlagen bei affektiven Erkrankungen“.
- XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid , Spain
Presentation Details Session: 505 Stratification of patients using inflammatory biomarkers Title of your presentation: Cytokines and kynurenines in bipolar disorder Type of presentation: Speaker of WPA Section Symposium Session Details: Date: 17/09/2014Hour: 1200 – 1330 h. Room: Room 9 - 1. Fachtagung Bipolares Spektrum
Samstag 27. September, 2014
Neurokognitive Grundlagen Bipolarer Erkrankungen - DGPPN 2014 Berlin
Inflammation in Mood disorders
16th World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain:
Presentation Details |
Session: | 505 Stratification of patients using inflammatory biomarkers | ||
Title of your presentation: | Cytokines and kynurenines in bipolar disorder | ||
Type of presentation: | Speaker of WPA Section Symposium | ||
Session Details: | Date: 17/09/2014Hour: 1200 – 1330 h. | ||
Room: | Room 9 |
- Bipolar Disorders and Working Environment:When: Friday, Oct 18 2013, 4-8 pmWhere: Hotel Kolping, Gumpendorferstraße 39, 1060 Vienna
Previous Talks
- DGPPN 2012 Berlin, 22.11.2012:
Immune changes in different phases of bipolar disorders -
- University of Cambridge
Mühlbacher M ,Thursday 8th September 2011,CRUK Cambridge Research Institute Lecture Theatre, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, CB2 0RE,Addenbrooke’s Hospital site:Biochemical and immune parameters changes in different phases of Bipolar Disorder - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 29.08.2008, ECNP
Mühlbacher M “Finding the drug of choice for Aggression” - DGPPN Berlin, 23.11.2006,
Mühlbacher M „Aggressionsbehandlung mit Topiramat bei männlichen Borderline- Patienten: eine placebo-kontrollierte Doppelblindstudie“ und „Topiramate Treatment in Bulimia Nervosa Patients: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial“ - Jahrestagung der tschechischen und slowakischen Vereinigung für Psychiatrie. 13.09.2007. Brno
Mühlbacher M “Bipolar Disorders: Comorbidity and Patient’s Needs”. - Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik, Nürnberg 2007
Mühlbacher M „Einfluß von Familientherapie auf Bullying Behavior, Cortisolausschüttung, Ärger und Lebensqualität bei aggressiven Heranwachsenden: eine r>andomisierte, prospektive, kontrollierte Studie“ und „Einfluß von Familientherapie auf Bullying Verhalten bei männlichen Jugendlichen:Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte prospektive Studie“ - DGBP, München,25.11. 2008
Mühlbacher M „Aggressionsbehandlung mit Topiramat bei männlichen Borderline- Patienten: eine placebo-kontrollierte Doppelblindstudie“, - 09.10.2010 DGBS, Friedrichshafen
Mühlbacher M „Hilfe und Selbsthilfe im Inrternet am Beispiel“ und „EBM in der Therapie bipolarer Erkrankungen in Österreich. Eine Bestandsaufnahme“ - 24.11.2010 DGPPN Berlin
Mühlbacher M „Einfluß des COMT-Polymorphismus auf Ärger und Impulsivität bei bipolaren Erkrankungen“ und „Rolle des Trypotphanmetabolismus bei bipolaren Erkrankungen“ - National (excerpt)
Mühlbacher M. Behandlungsverläufe bipolarer Erkrankungen: Ein longitudinaler Survey. Schizophrenie im Wandel der Zeit, Flauchau, 10.05.2005
Mühlbacher M. , Egger C, Angehörigeninformation Bipolare Störungen, Salzburg, 15.03.2006
Egger C, Mühlbacher M, Stuppäck C: Bipolare Störungen. Wissenschaftliche Sitzung der Salzburger Ärztegesellschaft, February, 2nd, 2006, Salzburg, Austria
Mühlbacher M. Antipsychotika: Chancen und Risken. Bezirksärztefortbildung Salzburg 25.05.2006
Mühlbacher M. Bipolare Erkrankungen. Bezirksärztefortbildung an der Klinik Bad Aussee. 10.6.2006
Mühlbacher M. Komorbidität und therapierefraktäre Verläufe. Schizophrenie im Wandel der Zeit. Mondsee 15.09.2006
Mühlbacher M. Topiramat-Therapie bei BN-Patientinnen: eine 10wöchige placebo-kontrollierte Doppelblindstudie. Kongress der ÖGES. Alpbach 15.10.2006
Mühlbacher M. Topiramate Treatment in Bulimia Nervosa Patients: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Kongress der ÖGES. Alpbach 15.10.2006 (English Track)
Mühlbacher M. Die Medikamente tun lassen,- oder sie doch lieber weg lassen? Tagung der HPE 27.04.2007
Mühlbacher M. Psychopharmakologie Klinik Bad Aussee 13.01.2008
Mühlbacher M. Bipolare Störungen. Gesundheitstage Pinzgau 01.03.2008
Mühlbacher M. Die bipolare Depression. UK für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 1, CDK Salzburg 09.03.2008
Mühlbacher M. Therapie bipolarer Erkrankungen. Satellitensymposium, ÖGPP Gmunden 2008
Mühlbacher M. Sind Antipsychotika Alleskönner? Bipolar Symposium Innsbruck 30.05.2008
Mühlbacher M. Update Bipolare Depression 2008. Krankenhaus Villach 18.06.2008
Mühlbacher M. Hausmann A . Bipolare Erkrankungen Update: Abgrenzung F2/F3. 11.11.2008 Salzburg
Mühlbacher M, Stuppäck C, Egger C. Unser Nervensystem und seine Krankheiten: Die häufigsten Formen von Psychosen. MiniMed Studium, 18.03.2009
Mühlbacher M. Bipolare Erkrankungen Update 2009: Fokus Depression. PKH Hall 27.04.2009
Mühlbacher M. Warum wir Lithium nicht brauchen. Pro/Con-Debatte am Bipolar Symposium Innsbruck 06.06.2009
Mühlbacher M. Bipolare Erkrankungen. Update 2009. 29.10.2009 Salzburg
Mühlbacher M. Molekularbiologie von Aggression und Impulsivität bei bipolaren Erkrankungen. ÖGBP Wien 20.11.2009
Mühlbacher M. Bipolare Erkrankungen: Stellenwert von Aripiprazol. Salzburg 26.02.2010
Mühlbacher M. „Psychiatrischer Nachmittag“ – Fortbildung an der Schule für Altenpflege, Insula, Berchtesgaden
Mühlbacher M. Trends in der Pharmakotherapie Bipolarer Erkrankungen: Diskrepanz zwischen evidenzbasierten Richtlinen und klinischer Praxis? Forum Medizin 21, 27.02.2010
Mühlbacher M. Kognition und bipolare Erkrankungen. ÖGPP Gmunden 22.04.2010
Mühlbacher M. Impulsivität bei bipolaren Erkrankungen. Bipolar Symposium Innsbruck 29.05.2010
Mühlbacher M Depression differenziert behandeln. Salzburg 08.11.2010
2008 Organisationskomitee („Faculty“) ECNP Barcelona 2009 Organisationskomitee (Faculty“) ÖGPB 2009 Wien 2010 Organisationskomitee („Faculty“) DGBS-Tagung Friedrichshafen Koordination klinischer Studien und (inter)nationale Kooperationen
- · “Mood-Inflame“ – (EU-Projekt) Psychoneuroimmunologische Hintergründe affektiver Erkrankungen, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Labor für Psychoneuroimmunologie der LMU München und der UK f. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Innsbruck
- · “Kognition und Emotionserkennung“ – Zusammenarbeit mit der UK f. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Innsbruck (PD Alex Hofer)
- · COPD und psychische QOL im Rahmen der „BOLD-Studie“ – Zusammenarbeit mit der UK für Pneumologie an der PMU Salzburg (Prof. Studnicka)
- · WAVE-BD Country Coordinator (multizentrische internationale Studie, Prof. Vieta, Barcelona)
- · EUFEST – Site Coordinator (Prof. Fleischhacker, Innsbruck, PHASE IV, international, mulitzentrisch)
- Austrian Psychiatric Association: Science Award for Bipolar Disorders
- EPA Poster Award , Nice, France 2008
Pub-Med listed Publications:
1. | [Reliability and concordance validity of a German version of the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS-D)]. |
Mühlbacher M, Egger C, Kaplan P, Simhandl C, Grunze H, Geretsegger C, Whitworth A, Stuppäck C. | |
Neuropsychiatr. 2011;25(1):16-25. German. | |
PMID: 21486540 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
2. | Correlates of cognitive impairment in first episode schizophrenia: the EUFEST study. |
Galderisi S, Davidson M, Kahn RS, Mucci A, Boter H, Gheorghe MD, Rybakowski JK, Libiger J, Dollfus S, López-Ibor JJ, Peuskens J, Hranov LG, Fleischhacker WW; EUFEST group. | |
Schizophr Res. 2009 Dec;115(2-3):104-14. Epub 2009 Oct 12. | |
PMID: 19822407 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
3. | Effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in first-episode schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder: an open randomised clinical trial. |
Kahn RS, Fleischhacker WW, Boter H, Davidson M, Vergouwe Y, Keet IP, Gheorghe MD, Rybakowski JK, Galderisi S, Libiger J, Hummer M, Dollfus S, López-Ibor JJ, Hranov LG, Gaebel W, Peuskens J, Lindefors N, Riecher-Rössler A, Grobbee DE; EUFEST study group. | |
Lancet. 2008 Mar 29;371(9618):1085-97. | |
PMID: 18374841 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
4. | Intravenous mirtazapine is safe and effective in the treatment of depressed inpatients. |
Mühlbacher M, Konstantinidis A, Kasper S, Eichberger G, Hinterhuber H, Hofmann P, Nimmerrichter A, Schubert H, Egger C, Nickel M, Stuppaeck C. | |
Neuropsychobiology. 2006;53(2):83-7. Epub 2006 Feb 23. | |
PMID: 16511339 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
5. | Treatment of aggression with topiramate in male borderline patients: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Nickel MK, Nickel C, Kaplan P, Lahmann C, Mühlbacher M, Tritt K, Krawczyk J, Leiberich PK, Rother WK, Loew TH. | |
Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Mar 1;57(5):495-9. | |
PMID: 15737664 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
6. | Longitudinal study of antibody reactivity against HIV-1 envelope and a peptide representing a conserved site on Gp41 in HIV-1-infected patients. |
Mühlbacher M, Spruth M, Siegel F, Zangerle R, Dierich MP. | |
Immunobiology. 1999 Jun;200(2):295-305. | |
PMID: 10416136 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
6. | Facial emotion recognition and its relationship to subjective and functional outcomes in remitted patients with bipolar I disorder. |
Hoertnagl CM, Muehlbacher M, Biedermann F, Yalcin N, Baumgartner S, Schwitzer G, Deisenhammer EA, Hausmann A, Kemmler G, Benecke C, Hofer A. | |
Bipolar Disord. 2011 Aug-Sep;13(5-6):537-44. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-5618.2011.00947.x. | |
PMID: 22017222 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
7. | Clozapine intoxication in a patient with lamotrigine-induced rash. |
Egger C, Muehlbacher M, Grohmann R, Stuppaeck C. | |
Pharmacopsychiatry. 2010 Jan;43(1):35-6. Epub 2009 Dec 9. No abstract available. | |
PMID: 20013554 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
8. | Brief relaxation versus music distraction in the treatment of dental anxiety: a randomized controlled clinical trial. |
Lahmann C, Schoen R, Henningsen P, Ronel J, Muehlbacher M, Loew T, Tritt K, Nickel M, Doering S. | |
J Am Dent Assoc. 2008 Mar;139(3):317-24. | |
PMID: 18310736 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
9. | Influence of topiramate on olanzapine-related weight gain in women: an 18-month follow-up observation. |
Egger C, Muehlbacher M, Schatz M, Nickel M. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2007 Oct;27(5):475-8. | |
PMID: 17873679 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
10. | Bioenergetic exercises in inpatient treatment of Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders: a randomized, controlled study. |
Nickel M, Cangoez B, Bachler E, Muehlbacher M, Lojewski N, Mueller-Rabe N, Mitterlehner FO, Leiberich P, Rother N, Buschmann W, Kettler C, Pedrosa Gil F, Lahmann C, Egger C, Fartacek R, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel C. | |
J Psychosom Res. 2006 Oct;61(4):507-13. | |
PMID: 17011359 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
11. | Suicide attempts versus suicidal ideation in bulimic female adolescents. |
Nickel C, Simek M, Moleda A, Muehlbacher M, Buschmann W, Fartacek R, Bachler E, Egger C, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel MK. | |
Pediatr Int. 2006 Aug;48(4):374-81. | |
PMID: 16911082 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
12. | A case of recurrent hyponatremia induced by venlafaxine. |
Egger C, Muehlbacher M, Nickel M, Geretsegger C, Stuppaeck C. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2006 Aug;26(4):439. No abstract available. | |
PMID: 16855472 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
13. | A case of dose-dependent aripiprazole-induced conduction disturbance. |
Egger C, Rauscher A, Muehlbacher M, Nickel M, Geretsegger C, Stuppaeck C. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2006 Aug;26(4):436. No abstract available. | |
PMID: 16855469 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
14. | Topiramate in treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Muehlbacher M, Nickel MK, Kettler C, Tritt K, Lahmann C, Leiberich PK, Nickel C, Krawczyk J, Mitterlehner FO, Rother WK, Loew TH, Kaplan P. | |
Clin J Pain. 2006 Jul-Aug;22(6):526-31. | |
PMID: 16788338 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
15. | Influence of family therapy on bullying behaviour, cortisol secretion, anger, and quality of life in bullying male adolescents: A randomized, prospective, controlled study. |
Nickel MK, Muehlbacher M, Kaplan P, Krawczyk J, Buschmann W, Kettler C, Rother N, Egger C, Rother WK, Loew TK, Nickel C. | |
Can J Psychiatry. 2006 May;51(6):355-62. | |
PMID: 16786816 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
16. | Pregnant women with bronchial asthma benefit from progressive muscle relaxation: a randomized, prospective, controlled trial. |
Nickel C, Lahmann C, Muehlbacher M, Pedrosa Gil F, Kaplan P, Buschmann W, Tritt K, Kettler C, Bachler E, Egger C, Anvar J, Fartacek R, Loew T, Rother W, Nickel M. | |
Psychother Psychosom. 2006;75(4):237-43. | |
PMID: 16785773 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
17. | Aripiprazole in the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Nickel MK, Muehlbacher M, Nickel C, Kettler C, Pedrosa Gil F, Bachler E, Buschmann W, Rother N, Fartacek R, Egger C, Anvar J, Rother WK, Loew TH, Kaplan P. | |
Am J Psychiatry. 2006 May;163(5):833-8. | |
PMID: 16648324 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
18. | Familial and sociopsychopathological risk factors for suicide attempt in bulimic and in depressed women: prospective study. |
Nickel MK, Simek M, Lojewski N, Muehlbacher M, Fartacek R, Kettler C, Bachler E, Egger C, Rother N, Buschmann W, Pedrosa Gil F, Kaplan P, Mitterlehner FO, Anvar J, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel C. | |
Int J Eat Disord. 2006 Jul;39(5):410-7. | |
PMID: 16609982 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
19. | [Treatment results from inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation of Turkish migrants: a prospective study]. |
Nickel C, Lojewski N, Muehlbacher M, Cangoez B, Müller-Rabe T, Buschmann W, Mitterlehner FO, Lahmann C, Egger C, Kettler C, Rother N, Tritt K, Bachler E, Fartacek R, Leiberich P, Pedrosa Gil F, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel M. | |
Gesundheitswesen. 2006 Mar;68(3):147-53. German. | |
PMID: 16575693 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
20. | [Treatment motivation and results of inpatient psychotherapy for women with depressive disorders: a prospective study]. |
Nickel C, Muehlbacher M, Kettler C, Tritt K, Egger C, Lahmann C, Pedrosa Gil F, Leiberich P, Bachler E, Buschmann W, Forthuber P, Fartacek R, Mitterlehner F, Rother W, Loew T, Nickel M. | |
Gesundheitswesen. 2006 Jan;68(1):11-7. German. | |
PMID: 16463240 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
21. | Topiramate treatment for women with borderline personality disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Loew TH, Nickel MK, Muehlbacher M, Kaplan P, Nickel C, Kettler C, Fartacek R, Lahmann C, Buschmann W, Tritt K, Bachler E, Mitterlehner F, Pedrosa Gil F, Leiberich P, Rother WK, Egger C. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2006 Feb;26(1):61-6. | |
PMID: 16415708 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
22. | Bullying girls – changes after brief strategic family therapy: a randomized, prospective, controlled trial with one-year follow-up. |
Nickel M, Luley J, Krawczyk J, Nickel C, Widermann C, Lahmann C, Muehlbacher M, Forthuber P, Kettler C, Leiberich P, Tritt K, Mitterlehner F, Kaplan P, Pedrosa Gil F, Rother W, Loew T. | |
Psychother Psychosom. 2006;75(1):47-55. | |
PMID: 16361874 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
23. | Effect of progressive muscle relaxation in adolescent female bronchial asthma patients: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study. |
Nickel C, Kettler C, Muehlbacher M, Lahmann C, Tritt K, Fartacek R, Bachler E, Rother N, Egger C, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel MK. | |
J Psychosom Res. 2005 Dec;59(6):393-8. | |
PMID: 16310021 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
24. | Mirtazapine treatment of social phobia in women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Muehlbacher M, Nickel MK, Nickel C, Kettler C, Lahmann C, Pedrosa Gil F, Leiberich PK, Rother N, Bachler E, Fartacek R, Kaplan P, Tritt K, Mitterlehner F, Anvar J, Rother WK, Loew TH, Egger C. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2005 Dec;25(6):580-3. | |
PMID: 16282842 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
25. | In-patient treatment of mothers with depressive disorders – does joint admission of their children have a negative effect on the results of treatment? |
Nickel M, Nickel C, Tritt K, Lahmann C, Leiberich P, Muehlbacher M, Egger C, Rother W, Loew T. | |
Psychother Psychosom. 2005;74(6):366-70. | |
PMID: 16244513 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
26. | Topiramate treatment in bulimia nervosa patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. |
Nickel C, Tritt K, Muehlbacher M, Pedrosa Gil F, Mitterlehner FO, Kaplan P, Lahmann C, Leiberich PK, Krawczyk J, Kettler C, Rother WK, Loew TH, Nickel MK. | |
Int J Eat Disord. 2005 Dec;38(4):295-300. | |
PMID: 16231337 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
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27. | Change in instrumental activities of daily living disability in female senior patients with musculosceletal pain: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. |
Nickel MK, Lahmann C, Muehlbacher M, Nickel C, Pedrosa Gil F, Buschmann W, Rother N, Fartacek R, Leiberich PK, Tritt K, Mitterlehner FO, Kettler C, Egger C, Rother WK, Loew TH. | |
Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2006 May-Jun;42(3):247-55. Epub 2005 Sep 2. | |
PMID: 16140405 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
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28. | Anger, interpersonal relationships, and health-related quality of life in bullying boys who are treated with outpatient family therapy: a randomized, prospective, controlled trial with 1 year of follow-up. |
Nickel MK, Krawczyk J, Nickel C, Forthuber P, Kettler C, Leiberich P, Muehlbacher M, Tritt K, Mitterlehner FO, Lahmann C, Rother WK, Loew TH. | |
Pediatrics. 2005 Aug;116(2):e247-54. | |
PMID: 16061577 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Free Article | |
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29. | Topiramate in treatment of depressive and anger symptoms in female depressive patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Nickel C, Lahmann C, Tritt K, Muehlbacher M, Kaplan P, Kettler C, Krawczyk J, Loew TH, Rother WK, Nickel MK. | |
J Affect Disord. 2005 Aug;87(2-3):243-52. | |
PMID: 15985295 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
30. | Influence of topiramate on olanzapine-related adiposity in women: a random, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Nickel MK, Nickel C, Muehlbacher M, Leiberich PK, Kaplan P, Lahmann C, Tritt K, Krawczyk J, Kettler C, Egger C, Rother WK, Loew TH. | |
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2005 Jun;25(3):211-7. | |
PMID: 15876898 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
31. | Correlates of cognitive impairment in first episode schizophrenia: the EUFEST study. |
Galderisi S, Davidson M, Kahn RS, Mucci A, Boter H, Gheorghe MD, Rybakowski JK, Libiger J, Dollfus S, López-Ibor JJ, Peuskens J, Hranov LG, Fleischhacker WW; EUFEST group. | |
Schizophr Res. 2009 Dec;115(2-3):104-14. Epub 2009 Oct 12. | |
PMID: 19822407 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
32. | Effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in first-episode schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder: an open randomised clinical trial. |
Kahn RS, Fleischhacker WW, Boter H, Davidson M, Vergouwe Y, Keet IP, Gheorghe MD, Rybakowski JK, Galderisi S, Libiger J, Hummer M, Dollfus S, López-Ibor JJ, Hranov LG, Gaebel W, Peuskens J, Lindefors N, Riecher-Rössler A, Grobbee DE; EUFEST study group. | |
Lancet. 2008 Mar 29;371(9618):1085-97. | |
PMID: 18374841 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
33. | Intravenous mirtazapine is safe and effective in the treatment of depressed inpatients. |
Mühlbacher M, Konstantinidis A, Kasper S, Eichberger G, Hinterhuber H, Hofmann P, Nimmerrichter A, Schubert H, Egger C, Nickel M, Stuppaeck C. | |
Neuropsychobiology. 2006;53(2):83-7. Epub 2006 Feb 23. | |
PMID: 16511339 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
34. | Treatment of aggression with topiramate in male borderline patients: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. |
Nickel MK, Nickel C, Kaplan P, Lahmann C, Mühlbacher M, Tritt K, Krawczyk J, Leiberich PK, Rother WK, Loew TH. | |
Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Mar 1;57(5):495-9. | |
PMID: 15737664 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
Related citations |
35. | Longitudinal study of antibody reactivity against HIV-1 envelope and a peptide representing a conserved site on Gp41 in HIV-1-infected patients. |
Mühlbacher M, Spruth M, Siegel F, Zangerle R, Dierich MP. | |
Immunobiology. 1999 Jun;200(2):295-305. | |
PMID: 10416136 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] | |
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